4 december

Prevent Lateral Movement with Service Account Protection and MFA Everywhere

Foto van Frank Leavis
Frank Leavis

Solution Engineer EMEA

Silverfort presenteert op Cloud Expo een innovatieve sessie getiteld “Where Identity Protection Has Never Gone Before”. Deze sessie biedt een diepgaande kijk op de toekomst van identiteitsbescherming, waarbij geavanceerde technologieën worden belicht die de beveiligingsgrenzen verleggen. Ontdek hoe Silverfort’s unieke benadering van identiteitsbeheer en -beveiliging organisaties in staat stelt om zich te wapenen tegen de steeds evoluerende cyberdreigingen, met oplossingen die verder gaan dan traditionele methoden.

Ransomware and other cyberattacks use lateral movement it spread in the network. There are two critical gaps that make it possible: lack of protection to privileged service accounts, and no MFA for the command line tools attackers use to connect from machine to the other. Silverfort solves these two challenges, by automating the discovery, monitoring, and protection of service accounts and extending MFA to any authentication and access attempt in the Active Directory environment. Join this session to learn how this new approach can block lateral movement and ransomware spread in real-time, without causing any operational disruption.

Gehost door

Foto van Frank Leavis
Frank Leavis

Solution Engineer EMEA


Frank is the Solution Engineer for Benelux at Silverfort. He has over 10 years of experience in the IT Security industry with companies like Okta and Centrify (Delinea). Throughout his experience Frank has consulted many companies on security projects around Identity Protection.
