5 december

How to get more value at lower cost from your IT/OT Network Monitoring and Security Tools!

Foto van Kevin Berry
Kevin Berry

Solutions Engineer - Keysight


100% Network visibility is a critical aspect of network security. Many network analytic and security tools rely on network packets to accurately assess performance, compliance and identify potential breaches or attacks. However, your tools cannot secure what they cannot see, and blind spots can offer hiding places for cybercriminals. Modern distributed, hybrid networks require end-to-end visibility, spanning both physical datacentres and virtualized network infrastructure.

In this session you will learn how a well-designed Network Visibility Architecture will optimize your cybersecurity tools effectiveness, lower their cost of ownership, improve network security, and achieve a better return on your network tooling investments.

For personalized advice, please find us at the Heynen Booth (227).

Gehost door

Foto van Kevin Berry
Kevin Berry

Solutions Engineer - Keysight


“Keysight Technologies is a leading provider of network testing, visibility and security solutions. Organizations use Keysight’s tools and capabilities to test, secure and visualize their networks, so their applications run stronger across physical and virtual networks.”

Kevin has over 20 years experience in the Security, Network performance monitoring, Protocol Analysis and Test & Measurement arenas.
